Asking For The Job During An Interview

Should you or do you ask for the job during an interview? Our answers are yes and absolutely. Why spend the time and effort of interviewing and not ask for the job at the end? Employers want workers who are confident, eager and interested in their organization. Confidence comes with a solid understanding of your experience, knowledge, skills and talents. The exchange of information during an interview through questions and answers on various topics leads to an end point. And at that end point, the employer is asking themselves, “Is this candidate a good fit?” So why leave an interview without knowing. Just ask!

You do not want to appear arrogant or desperate, so tailor the wording so that it fits your style and then present the question in a professional and friendly manner. Here are a few ways you could ask for the job.

“During the interview we discussed many topics that address the skill requirements for the position. Are there any topics we have not discussed that we should, because I would like to know if I qualify for this job?”

“Do I fit all of the criteria for this position? If you think I’m qualified for this job, I’d love to accept your offer.”

“Thank you so much for your time. I feel my background makes me a good fit for this job. What are the next steps in the process?”

“ I’d really like to work with you and your team. Is there anything else you need from me to make this a reality?”

Be confident about your qualifications and ask for the job!