Quantify Your Experiences On Your Resume

You are decreasing your chances of getting hired if you don’t “quantify” your experiences with numbers and percentages. A potential employer is interested in the exact size, scope and resources involved in projects you were a part of. It gives them a more comprehensive picture of your skills and experience level. So instead of using words such as “many” or “numerous” on your resume, use specific numbers. For example, state that you managed a multi-year project that involved 30+ people and the budget was $3 million. That is quantifying your work.

Other quantitative wording examples:

“I was a project manager on 100 projects.”

“Of those 100 projects, 95% of them were delivered on time, within budget and all deliverables were completed as requested.”

“The 5% not completed were due to cancellation of the project by re-direction of priorities and resources.”

These numbers will play to your benefit and help you get hired. So be specific!